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Monday, May 12, 2008

Profiling the new SIMPLE_INTEGER type

Oracle 11g comes with a new PLSQL type called SIMPLE_INTEGER. The official documentation says that this type yield significant performance compared to PLS_INTEGER type. Because I want to see this with my own eyes I’ve decided to test it using another new 11g component called hierarchical profiler which I also want to see how it’s working.

First of all, let’s setup the environment:

1. on the database server create a new directory to be used for creating profiler trace files:

oracle@obi:oracle$ mkdir profiler
oracle@obi:oracle$ chmod o-rx profiler/

2. create the DIRECTORY object in the database too, and grant read/write privileges to the testing user (in our case TALEK user):

SQL> create directory profiler_dir as '/opt/oracle/profiler';

Directory created.

SQL> grant read, write on directory profiler_dir to talek;

Grant succeeded.

3. grant execute privilege for DBMS_HPROF package to the TALEK user:

SQL> grant execute on dbms_hprof to talek;

Grant succeeded.

4. connect using TALEK user and create the following package (the only difference between the first and second approach is the type of the l_count variable):

create or replace package trash is

procedure approach_1;

procedure approach_2;

end trash;

create or replace package body trash is

procedure approach_1 as
l_count pls_integer := 0;
for i in 1..10000 loop
l_count := l_count + 1;
end loop;

procedure approach_2 as
l_count simple_integer := 0;
for i in 1..10000 loop
l_count := l_count + 1;
end loop;

end trash;

5. Profile the approaches:

SQL> exec dbms_hprof.start_profiling(location => 'PROFILER_DIR', filename => 'test.trc');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

SQL> exec trash.approach_1;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

SQL> exec trash.approach_2;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

SQL> exec dbms_hprof.stop_profiling;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

6. Analyze the generated trace file. For this we’ll use the "plshprof" command line utility.

oracle@obi:profiler$ plshprof -output report test.trc
PLSHPROF: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
[8 symbols processed]
[Report written to 'report.html']

Aaaaand, the WINNER is:

TALEK.TRASH.APPROACH_1 -> 5713 (microseconds)
TALEK.TRASH.APPROACH_2 -> 100706 (microseconds)

Well… this is unexpected. According to Oracle docs, the SIMPLE_INTEGER should be faster. Ok, back to official doc: "The new PL/SQL SIMPLE_INTEGER data type is a binary integer for use with native compilation which is neither null checked nor overflow checked". Ahaaa… native compilation! Let’s check this:

SQL> show parameter plsql_code_type

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
plsql_code_type string INTERPRETED

So, we have a first clue and a first conclusion. If the database doesn’t use NATIVE compilation the SIMPLE_INTEGER type is actually much slower.

Let’s switch to native compilation. This can be easily done because the "plsql_code_type" parameter is dynamic:

SQL> alter system set plsql_code_type=native scope=both;

System altered.

It is important to compile once again the package because otherwise the old PLSQL byte code will be used (you can use "alter package trash compile plsql_code_type=native;"), then repeat the profiler tests.

The new results are:

TALEK.TRASH.APPROACH_2 -> 3927 (microseconds)
TALEK.TRASH.APPROACH_1 -> 12556 (microseconds)

Now, the second approach with SIMPLE_INTEGER is much faster and, interestingly, the PLS_INTEGER approach is slightly slower on native compilation compared with the same approach on the initial PLSQL interpreted environment.

Okey, one more thing. I really enjoy using the new 11g hierarchical profiler. From my point of view is a big step forward compared with the old DBMS_PROFILER, and the provided HTML reports produced by "plshprof" are quite lovely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.