For example, let's create a dummy table:
SQL> create table muc (col1 integer primary key, modify_date timestamp);
Table created.
Then, the corresponding trigger:
SQL> create or replace trigger trg_muc_mod_dt before update on muc for each row
2 begin
3 :new.modify_date := systimestamp;
4 end;
5 /
Add some records:
SQL> insert into muc values (1, systimestamp);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into muc values (2, systimestamp);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
We end up having:
SQL> select * from muc;
---------- ------------------------------
1 16-DEC-09 PM
2 16-DEC-09 PM
Now, the moment of truth:
SQL> alter table muc add (active integer default '0');
Table altered.
SQL> select * from muc;
---------- ------------------------------ ----------
1 16-DEC-09 PM 0
2 16-DEC-09 PM 0
Take a look at the MODIFY_DATE and see the new timestamp. The update trigger was invoked in response to our DDL statement. This is important to know. Think to a deposit table which has a column named LAST_UPATED and a trigger which updates it whenever something within a deposit changes. Now, suppose the business logic dictates that a new column must be added with a default value. You run the DDL statement to add that column and... suddenly, all information regarding when a particular deposit was last upated is lost. Ups. So, I should write down one hundred times: "Think twice before adding new columns with default values on a table with UPDATE triggers".